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More Able and Talented

Parental Involvement - How you can support your child


There are many practical steps that you can take to support and nurture your child, for example by encouraging him/her to:

  • Utilise the local library and the internet as learning and research resources

  • Visit museums, science centres, nature reserves and art galleries etc

  • Watch educational and current affairs programmes such as the news, wildlife/nature programmes and documentaries, and discuss them

  • Read a quality national newspaper

  • Discuss and debate topics, such as politics, the environment and the media

  • Discuss homework and schoolwork

  • Take part in extra-curricular activities

  • Take an active part in family decision-making

  • Listen to different types of music

  • Read for pleasure, including demanding/challenging books

  • Take regular physical exercise

  • Socialise and relax in between work and learn to ‘switch off’

  • Help your child to organise their work, bedrooms, life!

  • Learn a musical instrument

  • Encourage your child to persevere when they find something difficult or challenging. A musical instrument is a great way of doing this.


Useful websites: